Monday, November 30, 2009

Piece of Flying Horse Cock-amamy

Didn't expect to have enough fodder to post twice in one day, but alas, see what the Santa Ana winds have brought me today? A whif of horse crap-ola. Oh me oh my, how I hate guys. I really don't want to get all freshman feminist class on this, but it really stinks how men have the liberties they do to be royal fcuk-ups. It's like they are continuously rewarded for not having a clue. Couldn't even buy a clue if they were in toys r us in the board game section. Dumb joke? Yeah, dumb guys. What I'm confused about is how it is okay for men to cheat on their significant others, and then think that forgiveness equals a get out of jail free card. And once you've had their baby, it's like free parking...they can basically do what they want and as long as they act repentent and sorry, they don't worry about any penalties or fees. The notion that gaining back trust means work is foreign to them. The thought that if they love this woman and want to make things up to her they might have to walk on pins and needles for awhile is unheard of. The part that burns me the most is that somehow, after all we women go through, it is still so easy to place our feelings behind those of anyone else. Their best friend who isn't worth the flies in his brain, the girl at work who is so "worried about her relationship" that she doesn't see how it could be detrimental to someone else's relationship to call them at 1 am in the flippin' morning.

The lies, the indiscretions, the broken promises, the failed attempts. Boy if this relationship isn't adding up to be one horrible Maury Povich show.

So Feminist Francine wants to know what she's to do? You can lead a horse to water, but no matter how much you whip them, you can't make them take a damn drink. We can't force them to tell the truth no matter what you know, say, or do. Especially for those who are bold enough to lie about things that are blatantly obvious, even as you are reading or watching the issue in question. Is this what relationships hold? You, the big strong man, get to habitually cross the lines and step on my emotions, and I-the dutiful, faithful wife-have to put up with it for "our family"?

What about Wife Whitney that looks sexy in that minidress and is always looking milf-worthy at the jazz lounge. What does she do when Hubby Harold gets to lying and texting female friends from work 20 times a day? Does she become Bitter Betty and get revenge over an apple martini with Dr. Do it Right, or does she suppress, suppress, supress it while walking around in pajamas, wiping up after babykins? Or does she try again and just hope that things go right, and that if not, she's not super-invested, in another state, and at the financial mercies of Mr. Do Wrong but Justify It.

Review war

SO...I posted a review of an establishment I visited, and I initially published it using friendly terms such as 'obese', 'posterchild for diabetes and hypertension', and 'sassy black women's conference'. I'm a very observant person and just so happened to have posted a comment about one employee having a mustache. Oh what? Now I'm the mean one? Your the woman walking around with a rug on your upper lip--you know it's there, I know it's there--but I'm the mean one if I comment on it. No ma'am, YOU are the mean one, for having a mustache on your face and forcing everyone to look at it. I mean c'mon! I have chin hair, but I don't have the audacity to wear it out in public like a badge of honor. If I don't shave my legs, I don't walk around in shorts looking like I've got fuzzy leg warmers on, and then get indignant if you notice. If you want to lie to yourself and act like it's not there, that's fine. But don't expect me to lie to you as well. How selfish some people can be.

And just another's not slander if it's true. And that sasquatch on your face can attest to it. Take me to court and I'll subpoena that lip yeti you've got to testify.

Don't judge me.